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Professor Adam Nalli-Petta

Professor Adam Nalli-Petta photo Professor Adam Nalli-Petta

Martial arts has been part of Adam's life since childhood. He tried his my first Jiu-Jitsu class in 1996 and knew he had found what he was looking for in a martial art. He understood quickly that it gives practitioners the skills to respond to the most common types of physical aggression. Whether it’s a punch, a kick, a grab or a headlock on the ground, BJJ offers the simplest and most effective means of escape.

Adam absolutely loves his time practicing on the mat with the great people at OCTA. For all its many physical challenges, the rewards of BJJ are immense. It’s given him a way to face life’s different obstacles and to accept the things he have control over and the things he doesn't.

Adam loves how the art relies entirely on your sense of touch and enhances your connection with it. How BJJ puts your focus completely in the present moment where you must engage with your situation and how it increases your capacity to endure discomfort and become more resilient.
He loves the sense of fulfillment he feels when can share BJJ with others and be part of their

Adam look forward to serving the growing OCTA BJJ family.

Reserve your spot

Reserve your spot

Don't miss the chance to learn in a One-of-a-kind Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy located in Mississauga.

Wow, that's amazing!

The most important step is always the first and we are so thrilled you have decided to give us the chance to change your life. We will always do your best to make this an unique experience.

Our school is proud to receive you and we are sure you will enjoy the journey.

We will contact you shortly to proceed with the booking. Stay tuned!


Start your free trial

Start your free trial

Whenever you are ready, book your intro classes with us. We offer 2 FREE semi-private intro classes to everyone, where we will walk you through the basics of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and practice initial moves that will prepare you for our Beginner's program.

We are confident that that you are about to discover something that will reshape your entire life for the better. Feel free to contact us if you need any further information before making your decision, we are here to assist you.


There are 2 ways you can book Intro classes with us. You can book them directly on our scheduling system or send us your information below and our team will contact you to book your classes.

Wow, that's amazing!

The most important step is always the first and we are so thrilled you have decided to give us the chance to change your life. We will always do your best to make this an unique experience.

Our school is proud to receive you and we are sure you will enjoy the journey.

We will contact you shortly to proceed with the booking. Stay tuned!